The Big Cactus Country
A entrevista será transmitida no Big Cactus Country nº 71 entre terça-feira 12 e segunda-feira 18 de Setembro em todas as radios = 63 rádios com 3 transmissões na semana = aproximadamente 150 e 180 transmissões em 7 dias + a versão podcast ( 4000 a 5000 teleoadings) de Domingo 17 a Domingo 24 de Setembro!
The Big Cactus Country
The interview will broadcast in the Big cactus country n°71 between the Tuesday 12 and Monday 18 September on all the radios = 63 radios with 3 broadcastings in the week = between 150 and 180 broadcastings on 7 days + the version podcast ( 4000 to 5000 teleloadings) from Sunday 17 to Sunday 24 September.
Une émission 100% New Country, Americana, Texas Music et Radios US….
Diffusée sur 57 radios Francophones, 150 fois par semaine, 600 fois par mois.
Présentée par Johnny Da Piedade, écoutez The Big Cactus Country sur:
For a list of the 63 stations broadcasting this interview
click here.